Session - Silicium
- Hydrogénation des oxydes transparents conducteurs pour les cellules à contacts passivés poly-silicium sur oxyde
Charles Seron1,2, Thibaut Desrues1, Quentin Rafhay2, Anne Kaminski2, Sébastien Dubois1
- Correlation of grain structure, impurities and electrical properties in photovoltaic silicon using in situ and ex situ techniques
Hadjer Ouaddah1,Maike Becker1, Isabelle Périchaud1, Olivier Palais1, Marisa Di Sabatino2, Gabrielle Régula1, Guillaume Reinhart1, Mathieu Silly3, Nathalie Mangelinck-Noël1
1. IM2NP, 2. NTNU, Norway, 3. Soleil Synchrotron
- Development of tunnel junctions for c-Si/perovskite tandem solar cells: A way forward
Gurleen Kaur1, Anatole Desthieux1,2,3, Dmitry Daineka3, Etienne Drahi1,4, Pere Roca i Cabarrocas1,3
- Etude des propriétés électriques de l'hétérointerface de cellules solaires à hétérojonction a-Si:H/c-Si, d'épaisseur de couche tampon (i) a-Si :H différentes, par des mesures de conductance planaire combinées à la modélisation électrique
Sylvain Le Gall, Alexandra Levtchenko, Rudi Brüggemann, Jean-Paul Kleider
- Développement des modules shingles Hétérojonctions et optimisation des performances
Baptiste Portaluppi Dupont, Samuel Harrison, Valentin Giglia
- INVITé - High efficiency solar cells based on coevaporated CuIn0.7Ga0.3S2 films: the revival of a too early forsaken material ?
N. Barreau1, A. Thomere1,2,3, R. Bodeux2, M.T. Caldes1, C. Guillot-Deudon1, A. Crossay3, V.D. Cammilleri 3, L. Assmann1, N. Stephant, A. Lafond1, D. Lincot3
1. IMN, 2. EDF R&D, 3. IPVF
- How thin film modules die: extraction method and post-mortem lab analysis on defects found in commercial CIGS modules
Rémi Aninat1, Pelin Yilmaz1,2, Manuel Gonzalo Ott Cruz Campillay1, Laetitia Jouard1, Mirjam Theelen1
1. TNO, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2. Integrated Devices and Systems, University of Twente, Netherlands
- Over 10% Efficient Wide Bandgap CIGSe Solar Cells on Transparent Substrate with Na Pre-Deposition Treatment
Mohamed Ould Salem1, Robert Fonoll1, Sergio Giraldo1, Yudania Sanchez1, Marcel Placidi1,4, Victor Izquierdo-Roca1, Claudia Malerba2, Matteo Valentini2, DiouldA Sylla1, Angelica Thomere1, Dah Ould Ahmedou3, Edgardo Saucedo1,4, Alejandro Pérez-Rodriguez1,5, Zacharie Jehl Li-Kao1,4
1. IREC, Barcelona, Spain. 2. ENEA, Roma, Italy, 3. University of Nouakchott Al Aasriya, Mauritania. 4. Universitat Politescnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. 5. IN2UB, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- CdSeTe solar cells: the positive impact of Se analyzed by high-resolution cathodoluminescence mapping
Bérengère Frouin1, Thomas Bidaud1, John Moseley2, Andrea Cattoni1, Mahisha Amarasinghe2, Mowafak Al-Jassim2, Wyatt K. Metzger2, Stéphane Collin1
1. C2N, 2. NREL, USA
- Combinatorial alkali post-deposition treatment under S and Se atmosphere on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 absorber layers
Polyxeni Tsoulka, Ludovic Arzel, Sylvie Harel, Lionel Assmann, Nicolas Barreau
- CIGS photocathode functionalized with a molecular cobalt catalyst for selective carbon dioxide reduction in water
Palas Baran Pati1, Ruwen Wang2, Etienne Boutin2, Stéphane Diring1, Stéphane Jobi1, Nicolas Barreau3, Fabrice Odobel1, Marc Robert1,4
1. CEISAM, 2. LEM, 3. IMN, 4. IUF
Session - Concepts Hauts Rendements / Nouveaux Matériaux
- INVITé - Computational design of novel semiconducting perovskites and fundamental electronic properties.
George Volonakis
ISCR - INSA Rennes
- Investigation of thermalization and thermoelectric effects in multi-quantum well structures
Hamidreza Esmaielpour1, Daniel Suchet1,2, Maxime Giteau3, Daniel Ory4, Laurent Lombez5, Jean-François Guillemoles1
1. umr IPVF, 2. Ecole Polytechnique, 3. RCAST, Tokyo, Japan, 4. EDF R&D, 5. LPCNO
- Nouvelles architectures de cellules solaires pour le photovoltaïque à concentration (CPV)
Gwenaëlle Hamon1,2, Pierre Albert1,2, Mathieu de Lafontaine1,2, Xavier Mackré-Delannoy1,2, Konan Kouamé1,2, M. Volatier1,2, Vincent Aimez1,2, Abdelatif Jaouad1,2, Maxime Darnon1,2
1. LN2, Sherbrooke, Canada, 2. 3IT, Sherbrooke, Canada
- Equilibrage d'une cellule à bande intermédiaire à l'aide d'une barrière tunnel
Nicolas Cavassilas1, Daniel Suchet2,4, Amaury Delamarre3, Jean-Francois Guillemoles4, Fabienne Michelini1, Marc Bescond5, Michel Lannoo1
1. IM2NP, 2. Ecole Polytechnique, 3. C2N, 4. umr IPVF, 5. LIMMS, Tokyo, Japan
- Cellules solaires photovoltaAques A base de Sb2Se3
Xianghua Zhang, Donglou Ren, Michel Cathelinaud, Hongli Ma
- Graphene transfer for the remote epitaxy of III-V materials
Yohann Espi, Ali Madouri, Antonella Cavanna, Stéphane Collin, Andrea Cattoni, Amaury Delamarre
- Photoluminescence analysis of hot carriers in ultrathin GaAs layers: identification of surface and volume thermalization mechanisms
Maxime Giteau1,4, Cyprien Drommi1,4, Edouard de Moustier1,4, Daniel Suchet2,4, Hamidreza Esmaielpour2,4, Hassanet Sodabanlu1,4, Kentaroh Watanabe1,4, Stéphane Collin3,4, Jean-François Guillemoles2,4, Yoshitaka Okada1,4
1. RCAST, Tokyo, Japan, 2. Ecole Polytechnique, - umr IPVF, 3. C2N, 4. NextPV, Tokyo, Japan
- Analysis of the performances of a conventional GaAs solar cell operating at up to 200 AC
Paul Oublon, Frédéric Martinez, Stéphanie Parola, Yvan Cuminal, Rodolphe Vaillon
- Comparison of DC and RF Sputtering: Effect on Structural and Optical Properties of ZnSnN2
Thanh Ngoc Kim Bui, Mathieu Halbwax, Jean-Pierre Vilcot
- Formes exotiques du silicium : Film de clathrates de silicium pour des applications photovoltaïques
Romain Vollondat1, Arechkik Ameur1, StAphane Roques1, Jean-Luc Rehspringer2, CAline Chevalier3, Dominique Muller1, Abdelilah Slaoui1, Thomas Fix1
1. ICube, 2. IPCMS, 3. INL
Session - Multijonctions
- New architecture and bonding process for III-V//Si tandem solar cells
Phuong-Linh Nguyen1,2,3, François Chancerel2,3, Philippe Baranek1,2, Oliver Hoehn4, David Lackner4, Frank Dimroth4, Marco Faustini5, Stéphane Collin2,3, Andrea Cattoni2,3
1. EDF R&D, 2. IPVF, 3. C2N, 4. Fraunhofer Institute ISE, Freiburg, Germany, 5. LCMCP
- 1.15 Volt VOC CuGaSe2 / c-Si tandem solar cell with ITO or tunnel junction at the interface
Adrien Rivalland1, Pierre Bellanger2, Charles Seron2, Sébastien Dubois2, Ludovic Arzel1, Nicolas Barreau1
1. IMN, 2. INES
- Elaboration of wide bandgap CIGS on silicon by electrodeposition of metal precursors and sulfur annealing for tandem solar cells
Alexandre Crossay1,2, Bienlo Zerbo3, Davide Cammilleri1, Amelle Rebai1,2, Angelica Thomere4, Nicolas Barreau4, Daniel Lincot1,2
1. IPVF, 2. umr IPVF, 3. Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay, 4. IMN
- c-Si tunnel junctions obtained by proximity rapid thermal diffusion for tandem photovoltaic cells
Xiao Li, Mustapha Lemiti, Alain Fave
- CIGS growth on a GaP/Si(001) platform : towards CIGS/Si tandem solar cells
O. Durand1, A. LAtoublon1, C. Cornet1, A. Rolland1, A. Zhou1, S. Boyer-Richard1, F. Fan1, N. Barreau2, E. Gautron2, M. Balestrieri4, D. Coutancier3,4, D. Lincot3,4
1. FOTON, 2. IMN, 3. IPVF, 4. umr IPVF
- Récentes études d'optimisation de cellules solaires tandem à trois terminaux à base de pérovskite
Koffi Ahanogbe1, James P. Connolly1, Sylvain Le Gall1, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret1, Solenn Berson2, Anne-Sophie Ozanne2, Zakaria Djebbour1,3, Jean-Paul Kleider1
1. GeePs, 2. INES, 3. Département des Sciences Physiques - UVSQ
- Contrôle du dopage de μ-cristaux de GaAs épitaxié sur silicium pour la réalisation de cellule tandem GaAs/Si
G. Chau1,2, A. Jaffré2, G. Hallais1, D. Mencaraglia2, C. Renard1
1. C2N, 2. GeePs
- Couche sélective d'électrons en SnO2 déposé par ALD pour des cellules photovoltaïques tandem pérovskite/silicium
Félix Gayot1, Elise Bruhat1, Matthieu Manceau1, Eric De Vito2, Stéphane Cros1
- A path toward 25%-efficient ultrathin GaAs solar cells
Bérengère Frouin1, Andrea Cattoni1, Hung-Ling Chen1, Oliver Höhn3, David Lackner3, Gerald Siefer3, Marco Faustini4, Frank Dimroth3, Stéphane Collin1,2
1. C2N, 2. IPVF, 3. Fraunhofer Institute, ISE, Germany, 4. LCMCP
- Record Voc and quasi-Fermi level splitting in GaAs-based heterostructure nanowires on Si for tandem solar cells
Capucine Tong1,2, Romaric de LApinau1,2, Andrea Scaccabarozzi2, Fabrice Oehler2, Gilles Patriarche2, Thomas Bidaud2, Baptiste Bérenguier3, Laurent Lombez3, Jean-François Guillemoles3, Jean-Christophe Harmand2, Stéphane Collin1,2, Andrea Cattoni2
1. IPVF, 2. C2N, 3. umr IPVF
- A modal approach to optimize light trapping in ultrathin solar cells
Maxime Giteau1, Stéphane Collin2
1. RCAST, Tokyo, Japan, 2. C2N
- Transparent electrode for nanowire solar cells
Tiphaine Mathieu-Pennober1, Martin Foldyna2, Shan-Ting Zhang3,4, Arnaud Jollivet1, François H. Julien1, Nathanaëlle Schneider3,4, Maria Tchernycheva1
1. C2N, 2. LPICM, 3. umr IPVF, 4. IPVF
- Refroidissement radiatif des cellules solaires : modélisation et potentiel de refroidissement des cellules monojonction
Jérémy Dumoulin1, Emmanuel Drouard2, Mohamed Amara1
1. INL, INSA-Lyon, 2. INL Ecole Centrale de Lyon
- Nanostructuration pyramidale de cellules photovoltaïques en perovskite hybride
Djihad Amina Djemmah, Florian Berry, Hai-Son Nguyen, Erwann Fourond, Mohamed Amara, Christian Seassal, Emmanuel Drouard, Céline Chevalier
Session - Caractérisations avancées
- INVITé - Study of electronic properties of perovskite materials and their interfaces with extracting layers in lateral heterojunction configuration
S. Dunfield1,2,3, Aleksandra Bojar4,6,7, S. Cacovich4,5, M. Frégnaux8, T. Klein1, R. Bramante1, F. Zhang1, D. Regaldo4,5, J.-B. Puel4,9, G. Teeter1, J. M. Luther1, M. Bouttemy8, D. Nordlund10, K. Zhu1, D. T. Moore1, M. F.A.M. van Hest1, J-P. Kleider4,5,6,7, J-J. Berry1, P. Schulz4,5
1. NREL, USA, 2. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute, Boulder, USA, 3. Materials Science Engineering Program, Boulder, USA, 4 IPVF, 5. umr IPVF, 6. GeePs, Université Paris Saclay 7. GeePs, Sorbonne Université 8. ILV, 9. EDF R&D, 10. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA
- Understanding the short time dynamics of transient photoluminescence experiments
Guillaume Vidon1, Stefania Cacovich1,3, Marie Legrand1,2, Daniel Ory1,2, Daniel Suchet1,3, Jean-Baptiste Puel1,2, Jean-François Guillemoles1,3
1. IPVF, 2. EDF R&D, 3. umr IPVF
- Further Development of Coupled HF-MPL/ TRPL/Drift Diffusion on III-V materials and other materials
Baptiste Bérenguier1,3, Wei Zhao1, Cendra Rakotoarimanana2, Arnaud Etcheberry2, Anne-Marie Goncalves2, Mathieu Frégnaux2, Laurent Lombez4, Jean-François Guillemoles1,3
1. IPVF, 2. ILV, 3. umr IPVF, 4. LPCNO
- Quantitative characterization of solar cell from bias-dependent electroluminescence imaging
Daniel Ory1,2, Nicolas Paul1, Laurent Lombez1,3
1. EDF R&D, 2. IPVF, 3. LPCNO
- Advanced chemical characterization of Perovskite systems: XPS analysis and depth profiling
Pia Dally1,2, Davina Messou1,2, Stefania Cacovich3, Muriel Robillard1,2, Armelle Yaiche4, Jean Rousset4, Solène Béchu2, Muriel Bouttemy2
1. IPVF, 2. ILV, 3. umr IPVF, 4. EDF R&D
- Opto-electronic characterization of Perovskite module by electroluminescence imaging
Celia Aider, Sébastien Jutteau, Jean Rousset, Daniel Ory
- Direct interface between c-Si and perovskite a€“ study of materialsa€™ compatibility for tandem applications
Aleksandra Bojar1,2,3, C. Marchat1,2,3, J. Alvarez1,2,3, D. Alamarguy1,2, A. Jaffré1,2, Jean Rousset3,5, Jean-François Guillemoles3,4, Jean-Paul Kleider1,2,3, Philip Schulz3,4
1. GeePs Université Paris-Saclay, 2. GeePs Sorbonne Université, 3. IPVF, 4. umr IPVF, 5. EDF R&D
- Application de la technique de DLTS aux cellules multijonctions
Cyril Leon, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Alexandre Jaffré, Jean-Paul Kleider
- Increasing temporal resolution for in-situ MPL measurements
Mateusz Poplawski1,2, Jean-Charles Vanel2, Francois Silva2, Baptiste Berenguier1,3, P Roca i Cabarrocas1,2
1. IPVF, 2. LPICM, 3. umr IPVF
- Microscopie de Photoluminescence à 2 photons
Alexandre Jaffré, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider
GeePs Université Paris-Saclay, GeePs Sorbonne Université, IPVF
- TLM versus temperature investigation of Ag and Au direct contacts with MAPI and 3CP halide perovskites
G. Chau1, M. Kim2, B. Geffroy2,3, D. Mencaraglia1
1. GeePs, 2. LPICM, 3. LICSEN
- A new insight into transient and spectral luminescence of photovoltaic absorbers by single-pixel-imaging
Marie Legrand1,2, Adrien Bercegol1,2, Laurent Lombez1,4, Jean-François Guillemoles3, Daniel Ory1,2
1. EDF R&D, 2. IPVF, 3. umr IPVF, 4. LPCNO
- Advanced optical characterizations of Non-Fullerene-Acceptor based organic solar cells: correlation between material-interactions and stability
Anil Kumar Bharwal1, Carmen Maria Ruiz-herrero1, David Duché1, Ludovic Escoubas1, Jean-Jacques Simon1, Yatzil Avalos-Quiroz2, Olivier Margeat2, Christine Videlot-Ackermann2, Jörg Ackermann2
1. IM2NP, 2. CINAM
- Caractérisation avancée pour les systèmes à micro-concentration
Philippe Voarino, Ahmad Chehade, Anderson Bermudez-Garcia, Yannick Roujol, Romain Couderc
- Modeling of the frequency dependence of modulated photoluminescence
Nicolas Moron1,2, Baptiste Berenguier2,3, Wei Zhao2, Jose Alvarez1,2, Jean-Paul Kleider1,2
1. GeePs, 2. IPVF, 3. umr IPVF
Session - Cellules Hybrides, Organiques et Pérovskites
- INVITé - Gas assisted Crystallization of MA free Slot die coated perovskite films towards module fabrication.
Mathilde Fievez1,2,3,4, Prem Jyoti Singh Rana1, Teck Ming Koh1, Matthieu Manceau4, Annalisa Bruno1, Stephane Cros4, Solenn Berson4, Subodh Mhaisalkar1,5, Wei Lin Leong1,3
1. ERI@N, Singapore, 2. Interdisciplinary Graduate School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 3. School of Electrical Electronic Engineering, Singapore, 4. LITEN, INES, 5. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Singapore
- Eppur si muove: Proton diffusion in Halide Perovskite Single Crystals
D. R. Ceratti1,2, A. Zohar1, R Kozlov1,3, H. Dong1,4, G. Uraltsev5, Olga Girshevitz6, I. Pinkas1, L. Avram1, G. Hodes1, D. Cahen1,6
1. Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 2. IPVF, 3. Dept. of Func. Inorg. Materials, Moscow, Russian Federation, 4. School of Physics, Nanjing University, China, 5. Department of Mathematics Cornell University, USA, 6. Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Israel
- Développement d'un adhésif UV-polymérisable optimisé pour l'encapsulation de cellules solaires Pérovskites
Mathis Majorel1,3, Christian Laurichesse2, Frédéric Chaput3, Stéphane Cros1
1. LITEN, INES, 2. Arkema France, 3. Laboratoire de Chimie, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
- Exploring Degradation Mechanisms in Perovskite Solar Cells using Extensive Electronic Microscopic Techniques
Salim Mejaouri1,2, Sophie Bernard1,2, Dominique Loisnard2, Jean Rousset1,2, Stéphane Collin3
1. IPVF, 2. EDF R&D, 3. C2N
- Electrodeposition of perovskite films for photovoltaic application: Impact of substrate variation and electrodeposition parameters
Emilie Planes, Lara Perrin, Mirella Al Katrib
- Multiscale design of perovskite on silicon band offset barrier tandem solar cells
J. P. Connolly1,2, JoseI Alvarez1,2, Koffi Ahanogbe1,2, Jean-Paul Kleider1,2, Hiroyuki Kanda3, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin3, Valentin Mihailetchi4, Philippe Baranek5,6, Philip Schulz6,7, Malte Vogt8, Rudi Santbergen8, O. Isabella8
1. GeePs Université Paris-Saclay , 2. GeePs Sorbonne Université, 3. Group for Molecular Engineering of Functional Materials, Switzerland, 4. ISC Konstanz, Germany, 5. EDF R&D, 6. IPVF, 7. umr IPVF, 8. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Application of the DoE (design of experiments) for a simplified and rapid optimization of the one step spin-coating deposition of mixed Sn-Pb perovskite
Margot Kozolinsky1,2,3, Thibaud Hildebrandt1,2, Frédérique Donsanti1,2, Jean Rousset1,2, Frédéric Rousseau3
1. EDF R&D, 2. IPVF, 3. PSL-IRCP
- Effects of ageing time on ion distributions in perovskite solar cells
Minjin Kim1, Denis Tondelier1, Jean-Eric Bourée1, Yvan Bonnassieux1, Bernard Geffroy1,2
- Hybrid-route Perovskite deposition towards Two-terminal Monolithic Perovskite/Si Tandem Solar Cells
Van Son Nguyen1, Iwan Zimmermann1, Sébastien Jutteau1, Jean Rousset1,2, Solenn Berson3
1. IPVF, 2. EDF R&D, 3. INES
- Utility of Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy to Investigate Chemical Composition in Perovskite Thin Films
Haeyeon Jun1,2, Denis Tondlier1, Bernard Geffroy1,3, Jean-Eric Bourée1, Sufal Swaraj2, Yvan Bonnassieux1
1. LPICM, 2. Synchrotron SOLEIL, 3. LICSEN
- Simulation study of a perovskite-based module performance in sub-saharan africa real conditions
N. Kata1,2, A. Darga3, D. Diouf1
1. Laboratoire Electronique, Informatique, Télécommunication et Energies Renouvelables, Saint-Louis, Senegal, 2. Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université de Kara, Togo. 3. GeePs
- Modeling the perovskite solar cell and the ion migration with physical approach based on FEM from Silvaco
Jihye Baik1, Haeyeon Jun1,2, Hindia Nahdi1,3, Bernard Geffroy1,4, Denis Tondlier1, Yvan Bonnassieux1
1. LPICM, 2. Synchrotron SOLEIL, 3. SEGULA Technologies, 4. LICSEN
- One-year overview of the H2020 European project DROP-IT
Debdipto Acharya1, Laurent Pedesseau1, George Volonakis2, Mikael Kepenekian2, Claudine Katan2, Jacky Even1
Session - Fiabilité, Systèmes, Réseaux, CPV
- Spectral irradiance effect on photovoltaic modules of different technologies: modelling and experimental results
Moira Itzel Torres Aguilar1, Jordi Badosa1, Anne Migan-Dubois2, Vincent Bourdin3
1. LMD, 2. GeePs,3. LIMSI
- Compact PV-CSP hybrid systems: Expanding solar electricity beyond daytime production
Dounia Ziytai, Alain Dollet, Alexis Vossier
- Are IEC 60891 I-V characteristics correction methods suitable for I-V characteristics measured from PV modules under faulty conditions?
Baojie Li1,2,Anne Migan Dubois1,Claude Delpha2, Demba Diallo1
1. GeePs, 2. L2S
- Installation PV équipée de réflecteurs plans : Quelles sont les conséquences d'un éclairement non uniforme sur la production ?
Christine Abdel Nour1,2, Anne Migan-Dubois1, Jordi Badosa3, Vincent Bourdin4, Claude Marchand1, Tilda Akiki2
1. GeePs, 2. USEK, Liban, 3. LMD, 4. LIMSI
- Accelerated UV test for silicon photovoltaic modules
Venkata Ramana Posa, Mohammed El Hacen Jed, Fabien Delaleux, Olivier Riou, Jean-Félix Durastanti, Pierre-Olivier Logerais
- Subvenir à la demande mondiale en électricité grâce au PV et au stockage thermique?
Alexis Vossier1, Thomas Fasquelle2, Elie Nadal1,3, Jeffrey M. Gordon4
1. PROMES, 2. IUSTI, 3. Université de Perpignan, 4. Ben Gurion University, Israel
- A two-step energy management method guided by day-ahead quantile solar forecasts: cross-impacts on four services for smart-buildings (POSTER)
Fausto Calderon-Obaldia1,3, Jordi Badosa1, Vincent Bourdin2, Anne Migan Dubois3
1. LMD, 2. LIMSI, 3. GeePs
- Model-based Approach to Test and Validate the Performance of an Islanded Photovoltaic Plant using Simscape Power Systems
Khadim Ullah Jan1, Anne Migan Dubois1, Demba Diallo1, Florence Ossart1, Eric Labouré1, Jordi Badosa2, Vincent Bourdin3
1. GeePs, 2. LMD, 3. LIMSI
Session - Aspects Industriels / Autres aspects
- The SOLCIS project: Towards manufacturing innovative CIGS panels in Paris Saclay
Daniel Lincot1, Jean-Michel Lourtioz2
1. umr IPVF, 2. C2N
- Process development of integrated photovoltaic cells in a double-curved composite structure for Vehicle-Integrated PhotoVoltaics (VIPV) application
Tatiana Duigou1,2,3,4, Vincent Boichon3, Xavier Brancaz3, Fabien Chabuel1, Pascal Francescato2,3, Julien Gaume1, Georges Habchi2, Manuel Lagache2, Philippe Saffré2, Lionel Tenchine3
1. INES, 2. SYMME, 3. Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites
- Ex-ante LCA of PV Systems based on mass-produced perovskite on SI Tandem modules
Caterin Salas-Redondo1, Carlos Felipe Blanco2, Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg3, Lars Oberbeck1,4
1. IPVF, 2. Leiden University, The Netherlands, 3. Center for Safety of Substances and Products, The Netherlands, 4. TOTAL Gas
- ALFAMA Project: Development of a flexible and laminated space photovoltaic array
Romain Cariou, Thomas Guerin, Sébastien Noël, Clément Jamin, Yannick Roujol, Philippe Voarino, Fabien Chabuel
- Modules pérovskite pour les objets connectés - un point d'entrée prometteur sur le marché
David Forgacs1, Rosinda Fuentes Pineda1, Vivek Babu1, Samy Almosni1, Senol Oez1, Thomas Rivera2
1. Saule Technologies, Wroclaw, Poland, 2. Orange Labs DATA-IA, France
- Tandem pack: perovskite solar cells-supercapacitors for energy conversion-storage devices
Nilanka M. Keppetipola1, G. R. A. Kumara2, Kirthi Tennakone2, CAline Olivier1, Thierry Toupance2, Ludmila Cojocaru1
1. IMS, 2. National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka
- L'IPVF au service de la transition énergétique et l'industrie photovoltaïque
Pere Roca i Cabarrocas
- Caractérisation dynamique de dispositifs photovoltaïques pour réception optique de données numériques (VLC-LiFi)
M. Parent, N. Lorrière, M. Pasquinelli, G. Chabriel, J. Barrère, L. Escoubas, J.-J. Simon
- Performances of III-P/Si based photoelectrodes for solar hydrogen production
L. Chen, M. Piriyev, A. Létoublon, O. Durand, L. Pedesseau, Y. Léger, G. Loget, B. Fabre, N. Bertru, C. Cornet
- Caractérisation et simulation de systèsme de production et de stockage d'énergie électrique embarqué dans un drone solaire autonome
Mickaël Cosson1,2, Ahmed Rhallabi1, Philippe Poizot1, Ludovic Arzel1, Benjamin David2
1. IMN, 2. XSun
Soirée débat - Ouverture Thématique
- Selective NIR-conversion in Dye-sensitized solar cells: a new generation of fully transparent and colorless photovoltaics
Waad Naim1, Fionnuala Grifoni1, Iva Dzeba1, Ilias Nikolinakos3, Nadia Barbero2, Stefan Haacke3, Claudia Barolo2, Frédéric Sauvage1
1. LRCS, 2. Dipartimento di Chimica, Universita degli Studi di Torino, Italy, 3. IPCMS
- Selective carbon dioxide reduction from the combination of CIGSe thin films and molecular cobalt catalyst: issues and tricks to achieve efficient and long term operating photocathodes
Fabrice Odobel1, Palas Baran Pati1, Ruwen Wang2, Etienne Boutin2, Stéphane Diring1, Stéphane Jobic3, Nicolas Barreau3, Marc Robert2,4
1. CEISAM 2. LEM, 3. IMN, 4. IUF
Session Formation (mardi 26 janvier 2021)
Module A1 Photovoltaïque
Module B1 Modélisation
- Simulations numériques pour le PV : Introduction
James Connelly (GeePs), Jean-Baptiste Puel (EDF R&D), Baptiste Bérenguier (UMR IPVF)
Module A2 Photovoltaïque
- Exemples d’application de la DFT au photovoltaïque
Laurent Pedesseau (FOTON)
Module B2 Modélisation
- Simulations numériques pour le PV : Applications
James Connelly (GeePs), Jean-Baptiste Puel (EDF R&D), Baptiste Bérenguier (UMR IPVF)