Session - Silicium



Session - Chalcogénures


  • Over 10% Efficient Wide Bandgap CIGSe Solar Cells on Transparent Substrate with Na Pre-Deposition Treatment  
    Mohamed Ould Salem1, Robert Fonoll1, Sergio Giraldo1, Yudania Sanchez1, Marcel Placidi1,4, Victor Izquierdo-Roca1, Claudia Malerba2, Matteo Valentini2, DiouldA Sylla1, Angelica Thomere1, Dah Ould Ahmedou3, Edgardo Saucedo1,4, Alejandro Pérez-Rodriguez1,5, Zacharie Jehl Li-Kao1,4
    1. IREC, Barcelona, Spain. 2. ENEA, Roma, Italy, 3. University of Nouakchott Al Aasriya, Mauritania. 4. Universitat Politescnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. 5. IN2UB, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain


Session - Concepts Hauts Rendements / Nouveaux Matériaux



Session - Multijonctions



Session - Photonique et Nanostructures


  • A path toward 25%-efficient ultrathin GaAs solar cells
    Bérengère Frouin1, Andrea Cattoni1, Hung-Ling Chen1, Oliver Höhn3, David Lackner3, Gerald Siefer3, Marco Faustini4, Frank Dimroth3, Stéphane Collin1,2
    1. C2N, 2. IPVF, 3. Fraunhofer Institute, ISE, Germany, 4. LCMCP
  • Transparent electrode for nanowire solar cells
    Tiphaine Mathieu-Pennober1, Martin Foldyna2, Shan-Ting Zhang3,4, Arnaud Jollivet1, François H. Julien1, Nathanaëlle Schneider3,4, Maria Tchernycheva1
    1. C2N, 2. LPICM, 3. umr IPVF, 4. IPVF


Session - Caractérisations avancées


  • INVITé - Study of electronic properties of perovskite materials and their interfaces with extracting layers in lateral heterojunction configuration
    S. Dunfield1,2,3, Aleksandra Bojar4,6,7, S. Cacovich4,5, M. Frégnaux8, T. Klein1, R. Bramante1, F. Zhang1, D. Regaldo4,5, J.-B. Puel4,9, G. Teeter1, J. M. Luther1, M. Bouttemy8, D. Nordlund10, K. Zhu1, D. T. Moore1, M. F.A.M. van Hest1, J-P. Kleider4,5,6,7, J-J. Berry1, P. Schulz4,5
    1. NREL, USA, 2. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute, Boulder, USA, 3. Materials Science Engineering Program, Boulder, USA, 4 IPVF, 5. umr IPVF, 6. GeePs, Université Paris Saclay 7. GeePs, Sorbonne Université 8. ILV, 9. EDF R&D, 10. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA


Session - Cellules Hybrides, Organiques et Pérovskites


  • INVITé - Gas assisted Crystallization of MA free Slot die coated perovskite films towards module fabrication.
    Mathilde Fievez1,2,3,4, Prem Jyoti Singh Rana1, Teck Ming Koh1, Matthieu Manceau4, Annalisa Bruno1, Stephane Cros4, Solenn Berson4, Subodh Mhaisalkar1,5, Wei Lin Leong1,3
    1. ERI@N, Singapore, 2. Interdisciplinary Graduate School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 3. School of Electrical Electronic Engineering, Singapore, 4. LITEN, INES, 5. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Singapore
  • Eppur si muove: Proton diffusion in Halide Perovskite Single Crystals
    D. R. Ceratti1,2, A. Zohar1, R Kozlov1,3, H. Dong1,4, G. Uraltsev5, Olga Girshevitz6, I. Pinkas1, L. Avram1, G. Hodes1, D. Cahen1,6
    1. Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 2. IPVF, 3. Dept. of Func. Inorg. Materials, Moscow, Russian Federation, 4. School of Physics, Nanjing University, China, 5. Department of Mathematics Cornell University, USA, 6. Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Israel
  • Multiscale design of perovskite on silicon band offset barrier tandem solar cells 
    J. P. Connolly1,2, JoseI Alvarez1,2, Koffi Ahanogbe1,2, Jean-Paul Kleider1,2, Hiroyuki Kanda3, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin3, Valentin Mihailetchi4, Philippe Baranek5,6, Philip Schulz6,7, Malte Vogt8, Rudi Santbergen8, O. Isabella8
    1. GeePs Université Paris-Saclay , 2. GeePs Sorbonne Université, 3. Group for Molecular Engineering of Functional Materials, Switzerland, 4. ISC Konstanz, Germany, 5. EDF R&D, 6. IPVF, 7. umr IPVF, 8. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Session - Fiabilité, Systèmes, Réseaux, CPV



Session - Aspects Industriels / Autres aspects
  • L'IPVF au service de la transition énergétique et l'industrie photovoltaïque
    Pere Roca i Cabarrocas


  • Performances of III-P/Si based photoelectrodes for solar hydrogen production
    L. Chen, M. Piriyev, A. Létoublon, O. Durand, L. Pedesseau, Y. Léger, G. Loget, B. Fabre, N. Bertru, C. Cornet
 Soirée débat - Ouverture Thématique


Session Formation (mardi 26 janvier 2021)

Module A1 Photovoltaïque

Module B1 Modélisation

  • Simulations numériques pour le PV : Introduction
    James Connelly (GeePs), Jean-Baptiste Puel (EDF R&D), Baptiste Bérenguier (UMR IPVF)
Module A2 Photovoltaïque
Module B2 Modélisation
  • Simulations numériques pour le PV : Applications
    James Connelly (GeePs), Jean-Baptiste Puel (EDF R&D), Baptiste Bérenguier (UMR IPVF)